“They blinded me” - "Hypocrisy and a disregard for basic human rights and international laws continue to mark the American President’s so-called “war on terror". Bellow are details of one of the most horrific incidents that took place at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where American soldiers tortured and abused prisoners, whom they labeled enemy-combatants."
Harriet Miers: Bush's Pit Bull - "Bush has nominated his Texas crony as a stealth appointment to the Supreme Court. Although the Senate will be hard-pressed to discover Harriet Miers's positions on the critical issues, she does have a long record of loyalty to Bush, whom she calls "the most brilliant man I ever met." Bush undoubtedly knows where she stands - and it doesn't appear to be on the side of civil liberties. Miers represented a string of large corporations, including Walt Disney Co., Microsoft, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Citibank and the Bank of America. Like John Roberts, Harriet Miers has no history of protecting the rights of women, minorities, the poor, the disabled or the environment."
Miers Briefed Bush on Bin Laden PDB, But Papers Handle Photo From That Day Quite Differently - "Indeed, that was the date, a little over a month before 9/11, that President Bush was briefed on the now-famous “PDB” that declared that Osama Bin Laden was “determined” to attack the U.S. homeland, perhaps with hijacked planes. But does that mean that Miers had anything to do with that briefing?As it turns out, yes, according to Tuesday's Los Angeles Times. An article by Richard A. Serrano and Scott Gold observes that early in the Bush presidency “Miers assumed such an insider role that in 2001 it was she who handed Bush the crucial 'presidential daily briefing' hinting at terrorist plots against America just a month before the Sept. 11 attacks.”"
Who is Harriet Miers? - "Given the criticality of this information and how it may determine the fate of Americans over the next 2-3 decades, I decided to create this page to consolidate key facts about Ms. Miers."
Senate's top Democrat explains why he praised Miers so quickly - ""As bright and brilliant and as good a lawyer as Judge Roberts was, I asked him - he'd never taken a deposition, he'd never picked a jury, never tried a case," Reid said. "He never tried a case. She has. We need people like that who have real-life experiences.""
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible - "The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true. The Catholic bishops of England, Wales and Scotland are warning their five million worshippers, as well as any others drawn to the study of scripture, that they should not expect “total accuracy” from the Bible.",,13509-1811332,00.html
Student Brutalized by Cops, Right-Wing Students, for Protesting Recruiters At George Mason University -- If you are so gung-ho about the war, then get your ass over there.
Avian Flu: Is the Government Ready for an Epidemic? - "It could kill a billion people worldwide, make ghost towns out of parts of major cities, and there is not enough medicine to fight it. It is called the avian flu. ... "Right now in human beings, it kills 55 percent of the people it infects," says Laurie Garrett, a senior fellow on global health policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. "That makes it the most lethal flu we know of that has ever been on planet Earth affecting human beings.""
Scientists resurrect 1918 flu, study deadliness - "Scientists who resurrected the 1918 "Spanish flu" virus that killed as many as 50 million people said on Wednesday they are beginning to understand why it caused such a deadly pandemic and say it could happen again." -- Particularly if it is used a weapon.
Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak - "Bush stated, "If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country, and how do you then enforce a quarantine? When -- it's one thing to shut down airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who best to be able to effect a quarantine? One option is the use of a military that's able to plan and move."" -- Hmmm. Too many "flu" stories today.
Test Results Cited in Delay of Mall Alert - "More than half a dozen sensors showed the presence of tularemia bacteria the morning after thousands of people gathered on the Mall for a book festival and antiwar rally, yet the CDC was not contacted for at least 72 hours."
Did Bush administration attack peace movement with military grade biological bacteria? - "What do we make of the Saturday, October 1 Washington Post headline “Poison Found in Air During Anti-War Protest”? Washington D.C. Public Health Director Greg A. Pane posed the right question in the Post article, “Why that day? That’s what is not explained.” Pane pointed that it was “just this 24-hour period and none since.”"
Bush considers changes to Posse Comitatus Act - "Yet the mere hint that President Bush might try to tinker with the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act is stirring opposition across the political spectrum, prompting conservative and liberal activists to line up against any move that would empower U.S. troops to shoot or arrest civilian looters in the chaotic aftermath of national disasters. The Civil War-era law bars federal troops from carrying out law enforcement duties inside the United States during peacetime, short of suppressing an insurrection."
Iran 'behind attacks on British' - "Britain has accused Iran of responsibility for explosions which have caused the deaths of all eight UK soldiers killed in Iraq this year." -- Setting the stage.
US 'aiming at Syria regime change' - ""I won't be surprised if Syria gets a red card," Mr Mofaz told Israel radio. "[The United States] will take actions against Syria, beginning with economic sanctions and moving on to others, that will make it clear to the Syrians that their policies do not comply with UN decisions, the US's new world order or the prohibition of sovereign states to support terrorism."" -- The US's new world order. Yep, read that correctly. Israel says jump, the US asks how high.
Leaders and followers - "It doesn't really make a difference if a leader is one of the sheep, or a Judas goat on a leash. The leader doesn't matter at all. The flock is going to go where the drivers want the flock to go.Understanding this is the key to understanding our problems, and understanding the leaders we are tricked to follow."
Growing Gulf Between Rich and Rest of US - "Guess which country the CIA World Factbook describes when it says, "Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20 percent of households." If you guessed the United States, you're right. The United States has rising levels of poverty and inequality not found in other rich democracies. It also has less mobility out of poverty. Since 2000, America's billionaire club has gained 76 more members while the typical household has lost income and the poverty count has grown by more than 5 million people."
Army to Lower Bar for Recruits - "Facing recruiting shortages brought on by the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army has decided to accept a greater number of recruits who score near the bottom of military aptitude tests, the secretary of the Army said Monday." -- Really, they just need cannon fodder. A pulse will do.,0,2086091.story
Senate gives nod torecruiting older citizens - "Legislation allowing military recruits to enter service up to age 42 and to create a new $1,000 finder’s fee for service members who tip off recruiters to good prospects has received tentative approval in the Senate."
Gulf Firms Losing Cleanup Contracts - "Companies outside the three states most affected by Hurricane Katrina have received more than 90 percent of the money from prime federal contracts for recovery and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast, according to an analysis of available government data." -- Someone's getting rich(er).
Oregon woman kicked off flight in Reno over offensive shirt - "The shirt had pictures of members of the Bush Administration, and a phrase based on the movie "Meet the Fockers," but with one crucial vowel changed. It was enough to cause complaints from other passengers and it's a problem the airline has had to deal with before. Beth Harbin, Southwest Airlines, "We do get it occasionally. What someone is wearing, what someone is reading, what someone might be saying and it's very much a judgment call. But when other customers become concerned we do have to become involved in that and see what we can do to make everyone as comfortable as we can."" -- Free country? What free country? Make sure to read that last bit from Beth Harbin again. "What someone is wearing, what someone is reading, what someone might be saying..." More proof of the intolerance in this country and more proof that this is a free country is nothing more than a facade. Another sad day.
This Laser Trick's a Quantum Leap - "The accomplishment marks a new world record, but the scientists are more thrilled that they were able to store and recall light, an important step toward quantum computing.",1282,69033,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_1
Doctor sued for sex treatment for back pain - "An Oregon woman whose doctor convinced her that he could cure her lower back pain by having sex with her is suing him and his medical clinic for $4 million, according to legal documents obtained on Monday." -- Really? Do I need to comment?;_ylt=AsZ1NRSvUTzbWgxPgUL72dADW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
Cops Handle Kids' Fist Fight Over Pacifier - "Normally, a fight between two children over a pacifier might be resolved by their mothers. But in Pawtucket, the police had to step in. It all started Monday afternoon, when a 6-year-old boy dropped a pacifier." -- Again, do I really need to comment?

Quote of the Day
"Well, I'm pissed off!"
~ Eric Cartman, South Park
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