Ten al-Qaida plots foiled since 9/11 - "George Bush claimed yesterday that at least 10 al-Qaida attacks had been thwarted since September 11, including three inside the US, during an impassioned speech in which he defended the war in Iraq and the wider fight against terrorism. ... He said Islamist radicals were seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world" and had made Iraq their main front in a war against civilised society, which he said was a prime reason not to withdraw troops from the country." -- Shut up George.,12271,1586885,00.html
EU wins power to jail national citizens ... EU court judgement strikes at the heart of national democracy and sovereignty - "The EU has been given the power to compel the national courts of its 25 Member States to fine or imprison people for breaking EU laws, even if a country's own Government and Parliament are opposed to that. An unprecedented ruling yesterday by the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg gives Brussels the power to introduce harmonised criminal law across the EU, creating for the first time a body of European criminal law that all Member States must adopt."
Catastrophic flu virus of 1918 is decoded - "By infecting mice, the researchers found several features that increased the virus' virulence." -- Improving the weapon?
The Deadliest Flu Virus in the World: Made in USA - "The world is being warned a flu virus might mutate at any moment and render the planet helpless against its spread. Americans don’t need to wait for a flu virus to mutate. Infectious disease specialists, working in a semi-secure laboratory at a Midwestern university have already done it ahead of nature. These American researchers obtained the viral particles from the H5N1 Spanish flu virus that killed millions worldwide and altered one of its ten genes, making it far more dangerous and virulent than any influenza virus in nature. The idea was to figure out how to make a vaccine against it. But the very idea such a virus even exists gives most people the shivers."
Pandemic vaccine in hands of global depopulation advocates - "If you or any of your loved ones contracted H5N1 Avian Flu, would you trust a vaccine from self-avowed depopulationist Maurice Strong, or his protégé Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin? ... Panic buttons are being pushed by WHO when no evidence exists that H5N1 is being transmitted between humans. At this juncture, Avian Flu seems isolated to a handful of Asian countries, with the governments of China, North Korea and Vietnam holding the fate of millions of people in their hands."
IRAN FORMS TUNNEL NETWORK TO HIDE NUKES - "Iran has developed a network of tunnels to conceal the regime's nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missile programs."
Blair says possible Iran links to Iraq bombs - "British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Thursday that evidence pointed to Iran or its Lebanese Hizbollah allies as the source of explosives used in roadside bombs in Iraq, although Britain did not have conclusive proof." -- Read that again, carefully.
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers - "President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals."
White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration - ""That's absurd. He's never made such comments," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Thursday."
The Dark Side of Faith - " It's official: Too much religion may be a dangerous thing. This is the implication of a study reported in the current issue of the Journal of Religion and Society, a publication of Creighton University's Center for the Study of Religion. The study, by evolutionary scientist Gregory S. Paul, looks at the correlation between levels of "popular religiosity" and various "quantifiable societal health" indicators in 18 prosperous democracies, including the United States."
Does Fear Trump Freedom? - " Do you believe in freedom of religion? Or are you afraid of what you really don't understand? Answer those questions and then decide if a U.S. Navy veteran should get what he wants on his military headstone. Scott Stearns is a Wiccan, meaning he reveres nature and the elements. When he dies, he wants the symbol of his religion - a pentacle - embossed on his tombstone. Well, the government's having none of that.
It says he can have the word "pentacle" spelled out, but the symbol itself - for years now - is "under review." I'm trying to imagine the uproar if Christians were told crosses were "under review", or if Jews were told the Star of David didn't really fit with VA policies. Just a guess, but I think there'd be hell to pay."
Guilty plea entered in Pentagon spy case - "Top Defense Department analyst Lawrence A. Franklin pleads guilty to giving classified information to an Israeli embassy official and members of a pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC.",7340,L-3151394,00.html
Inside The Patriot Act - "The Patriot Act is one of those documents that seems to attract a lot more attention than readers. ... What guarantee do we have that ten, twenty or thirty years from now the government won't be doing something, or forcing us to do something that we can't tolerate? Then what? What recourse would we have if we have already submitted ourselves to total control? How would we organize any sort of counter-action if we have already given our government the ability to prevent any such counter-actions from occurring. The Patriot Act is being sold on the premise of being an anti-terrorist tool to combat the organization of terrorist resources and activities, but think about it ... How do you think the government would classify your resources and activities if you found it necessary to fight them? It's impossible to lock down the nation and secure it from terrorism without giving up your own right to insure your own liberty and that's just what we are doing when we say the Patriot Act is needed. I suppose it's hard for most of us to understand because we really don't know what it's like to be oppressed. For most of us in the middle class, our government and our lives have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship. But the authors of the Constitution knew what oppression was. They actually had to fight for their freedom. If you read the Federalist Papers you will notice that the they were very worried about the potential for tyranny, not just from foreign sources but from within."
Republicans defy Bush on prisoners - "Senate Republicans on Wednesday night defied President George W. Bush by requiring the Pentagon to follow army regulations for the interrogation of prisoners, a move the White House argues would limit US ability to prosecute the war on terrorism."
Republicans in Congress Propose Budget Cuts to Fund Storm Relief - "Jettisoning earlier reservations, congressional Republican leaders say they intend to cut spending to pay for hurricane relief along the Gulf Coast, setting up a major confrontation over what programs to pick and how deep the reductions."
The Burning of America - "Every day the news is horrible, every day Bush damages America more -- what should we do?"
Fears mount as US opens new military installation in Paraguay - "Controversy is raging in Paraguay, where the US military is conducting secretive operations. Five hundred US troops arrived in the country on Jul. 1, 2005 with planes, weapons and ammunition. Eyewitness reports prove that an airbase exists in Mariscal Estigarribia, Paraguay, which is 200 kilometres from its border with Bolivia and may be utilized by the US military. Officials in Paraguay claim the military operations are routine humanitarian efforts and deny that any plans are underway for a US base. Yet human rights groups in the area are deeply worried. White House officials are using rhetoric about terrorist threats in the tri-border region (where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet) in order to build their case for military operations, which are in many ways reminiscent of the build up to the invasion of Iraq."
D.C. to use Eminent Domain to Build Ballpark - "The District will begin using eminent domain to acquire parcels of land at the site of the Washington Nationals' ballpark by the end of this month, after unsuccessful negotiations with nearly half of the landowners."
Breaking America's grip on the net - "After troubled negotiations in Geneva, the US may be forced to relinquish control of the internet to a coalition of governments.",16376,1585288,00.html
Court Rules in Favor of Anonymous Blogger - "In a decision hailed by free-speech advocates, the Delaware Supreme Court on Wednesday reversed a lower court decision requiring an Internet service provider to disclose the identity of an anonymous blogger who targeted a local elected official."

Quote of the Day
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
~ Bertrand Russell
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