Alito and His Coaches - "In the first hours of Samuel Alito's Senate confirmation hearings on Monday, Judiciary Committee member Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator from South Carolina, may very well have irreparably compromised himself. At the hearing, Graham told Alito, nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, that he had already decided in Alito's favor. "I don't know what kind of vote you're going to get, but you'll make it through. It's possible you could talk me out of voting for you, but I doubt it. So I won't even try to challenge you along those lines."" -- Our government at work.,roston,71634,6.html
Not Buying the Sob Story - "Let's not kid ourselves. The Alito appointment is ENORMOUSLY important to Bush's "legacy" in what will historically be one failure after another. And it's no secret that Lindsey Graham coached Alito before the hearings began. So it's no small leap of reality to come to the conclusion that Martha-Ann's blubbering came right on Rovian cue during Graham's impassioned plea for dialing down the big bad attacks by the Democrats."
War on terror: “Colossal failure” - "It is clearer now more than ever that the so-called "WAR ON TERROR" has not, in fact, made the world safer. "
First “real evidence” on CIA secret jails - "The CIA held 23 people in a secret prison in Romania and maintained similar detention facilities in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Macedonia and Kosovo, according to allegations contained in an Egyptian government fax obtained by Swiss Security services. The fax offers the first "real evidence" that the U.S. interrogated suspects at secret prisons in Eastern Europe, European politicians said."
Command Responsibility? - "A jury verdict in Memphis late last year caused little stir among the general public, but it may have caught the attention of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and other high officials of the Bush administration. The jury found Colonel Nicolas Carranza, former Vice Minister of Defense of El Salvador and now a U.S. citizen living in Memphis, responsible for overseeing the torture and killing in that country 25 years ago. Could similar charges be brought against high U.S. officials for the actions of their subordinates in Abu Ghraib, Falluja, and Guantanamo?"
Bush Says Iraq Criticism Aides Adversaries - " President Bush warned Democratic critics of his Iraq policy on Tuesday to watch what they say or risk giving "comfort to our adversaries" and suffering at the ballot box in November. Democrats said Bush should take his own advice."
Bush has actually declared it treasonous to reveal his illegal behavior! - "Note the astounding paradox: The Bush administration is caught red-handed in blatant illegality and responds by trying to arrest the patriot who exposed the administration’s illegal behavior. Bush has actually declared it treasonous to reveal his illegal behavior! His propagandists, who masquerade as news organizations, have taken up the line: To reveal wrong-doing by the Bush administration is to give aid and comfort to the enemy."
Connecting the Dots: Abramoff and Rove - " Did you know that Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove shared an executive assistant?"
Beam weapons almost ready for battle - "There is a new breed of weaponry fast approaching — and at the speed of light, no less. They are labeled "directed-energy weapons," and they may well signal a revolution in military hardware — perhaps more so than the atomic bomb."
FAQ: The new 'annoy' law explained -- I'm still annoyed.
NSA: Free Speech is a Weapon of Mass Destruction - "As further evidence the Bushcons are not interested in snooping “al-Qaeda,” and in fact there is no “al-Qaeda” threat in America, consider revelations that the NSA snooped the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore, a Quaker peace group. “The National Security Agency has been spying on a Baltimore anti-war group, according to documents released during litigation, going so far as to document the inflating of protesters’ balloons, and intended to deploy units trained to detect weapons of mass destruction.”"
Neocon Police State Spreads Disinfo and Paranoia - "If an 81-year old guy, a retired academic writing to a Catholic colleague, can be snooped, no doubt activists and peaceniks can and are being snooped as well. Since when does an 81-year-old retired University of Kansas history professor, corresponding with a devout Catholic retired Filipino history professor, pose a threat to the national security of the United States? Of course, the answer is never. However, the fact the Ministry of Homeland Security opened Grant Goodman’s mail has nothing to do with national security or “al-Qaeda” and it has everything to do with sending a message—we live in a police state here in America, a one-time constitutional republic where the authorities can and will snoop not only your mail but your telephone, email, web destinations, credit card statement, bank transaction records, library checkout information, etc., ad nauseam. In fact, the reason this story appeared on the MSNBC website is to let you know the corporate dominated government is watching."
ABC's SCOOP: "MILLIONS" OF AMERICANS' PHONE CALLS TAPPED BY N.S.A. - " ABC's "Nightline" last night aired a terrifying scoop: a former senior insider at the National Security Agency said that the agency has illegally spied on "millions" of Americans who make telephone calls overseas."
4-year-old shows up on government 'no-fly' list - ""Is this a joke?" she recalled telling Continental Airlines agents Dec. 21 at Bush Intercontinental Airport. "You can tell he's not a terrorist." Sijollie Allen, a Jamaican immigrant, said she doesn't understand why her American-born son should have to deal with this each time he travels just because he shares his name with a much older individual who is on the list."
NYCLU sues city over right to shoot video, pictures in public - "The NYCLU has received other complaints about people being harassed for taking pictures in public places, Executive Director Donna Lieberman said. "The NYCLU is deeply concerned about what this says about the state of our democracy," she said. "The streets of Manhattan are public spaces, and the public has a right not only to be on the street but to take pictures on the street. Nobody should risk arrest to take out his camera or video camera."",0,4891293,print.story
Oil hits three-month high on Iran concerns - "Oil struck a three-month high on Wednesday on concerns Iran's nuclear ambitions could draw international sanctions that disrupt crude flows from the world's fourth biggest exporter." -- You know, I think all of this is just bullshit.
The fantasy lives of christians - "If you repeat a fantasy often enough, it will come true. This seems to be a lynchpin of contemporary christian thought. Something to do with the rosary perhaps."
Detroit Bishop Suffered Childhood Sex Abuse - "Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit, arguing for more time for sex abuse victims to sue the Roman Catholic Church, says he was abused by a priest 60 years ago." -- Yes, you read that correctly. It says 60 years ago.,2933,181278,00.html
New Clue to Universe's Darkest Mystery - "An astronomer says he may have found an important clue to one of the most profound mysteries in the universe: Why the stars in the sky are moving away from us at an ever increasing pace. Some scientists have suggested that the vacuum of space is filled with a weird force, called "dark energy." But new results, presented Wednesday at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Washington, D.C., call that idea into question."
EPA change would reduce mileage shown on vehicle stickers - "The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed the first major overhaul in 20 years in the way it calculates fuel economy ratings for cars and trucks, a shift the agency said would reduce mileage estimates by 5% to 30%, depending on the type of driving and kind of vehicle."
Houston to Link Teachers' Pay, Test Scores - "Houston is about to become the biggest school district in the nation to tie teachers' pay to their students' test scores. School Superintendent Abe Saavedra wants to offer teachers as much as $3,000 more per school year if their students improve on state and national tests. The program could eventually grow to as much as $10,000 in merit pay. The school board is set to vote on the plan Thursday. Five of the nine board members have said they support it.",0,2493198.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines
Americans Find Being Fat Not Unattractive - "A survey finds America's attitudes toward overweight people are shifting from rejection toward acceptance. Over a 20-year period, the percentage of Americans who said they find overweight people less attractive steadily dropped from 55 percent to 24 percent, the market research firm NPD Group found."
Don't swat that fly. It's a spacecraft! - "Tomorrow's space vehicles may look more like insects and ping-pong balls than traditional rocket ships."
iPod-compatible jeans almost ready to wear - "Denim giant Levi Strauss said on Tuesday it had designed jeans compatible with the iPod music player, featuring a joystick in the watch pocket to operate the device."
Couple Puts Itself, Family Up For Lease On eBay - "The engaged Warwick couple, along with six other relatives, have put themselves up for lease on e-Bay -- $1.5 million for five years of service."It's two families for lease," Kidney said. "We all have different skills –- cooking, cleaning, auto service and landscaping.""

Quote of the Day
"This place is always such a mess, sometimes I think I'd like to watch it burn."
~ The Wallflowers
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