Chomsky: 'There Is No War On Terror' - "George Bush would be in severe political trouble if there were an opposition political party in the country. ... Now, again, an opposition party would be making hay, but the Democrats are so close in policy to the Republicans that they can't do anything about it. ... The fact of the matter is that there is no War on Terror. It's a minor consideration. So invading Iraq and taking control of the world's energy resources was way more important than the threat of terror. ... There's basically two principles that define the Bush administration policies: stuff the pockets of your rich friends with dollars, and increase your control over the world. Almost everything follows from that. If you happen to blow up the world, well, you know, it's somebody else's business. Stuff happens, as Rumsfeld said. ... The U.S. invaded Iraq because it has enormous oil resources, mostly untapped, and it's right in the heart of the world's energy system. Which means that if the U.S. manages to control Iraq, it extends enormously its strategic power, what Zbigniew Brzezinski calls its critical leverage over Europe and Asia. Yeah, that's a major reason for controlling the oil resources -- it gives you strategic power. ... Okay, so you can just imagine the ultimate nightmare in Washington: a loose Shiite alliance controlling most of the world's oil, independent of Washington and probably turning toward the East, where China and others are eager to make relationships with them, and are already doing it. Is that even conceivable? The U.S. would go to nuclear war before allowing that, as things now stand."
Al Gore: US Constitution in Grave Danger - "Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens-Democrats and Republicans alike-to express our shared concern that America's Constitution is in grave danger. In spite of our differences over ideology and politics, we are in strong agreement that the American values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power. ... It is imperative that respect for the rule of law be restored."
Copernicus Interviews The Director of WHY WE FIGHT!!! - "What will probably be the most important documentary you see this year, WHY WE FIGHT, opens Friday. It tackles the tough question of why America gets itself into wars in the post-WWII era, taking the questions to characters as diverse as the neocons that agitated for the current Iraq war, to Senator John McCain, to the pilots that dropped the bombs to start the current Iraq war, to political scientists, to Iraqis, and to people who have resigned from the government after playing a part in the war machine. You can read my original review here, but the short version is that you owe it to yourself to see it. Director Eugene Jarecki was kind enough to sit down with me at the Toronto film festival and share his thoughts on the film and on the direction of foreign policy in America." -- Interesting read. I look forward to seeing the film.
U.S.: 'Very high' chance of WMD terror strike - "There is a "very high" probability that a terrorist group will strike using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, a senior U.S. counterterrorism official said in comments published Tuesday." -- As long as the US keeps screwing around with other people's countries.
Oklahoma City bombing: New evidence renews conspiracy debate - "Kenneth Trentadue was no angel. In the 1980s, he did time for robbing banks. But in a strange twist, the circumstances behind his violent death 10 years ago in prison are playing out in federal court in a case that hints at a wider conspiracy in the Oklahoma City bombing. Recently released documents unearthed because of a lawsuit against the FBI suggest that the long-standing allegations may not be so far-fetched."
Justices Uphold Oregon Assisted-Suicide Law - "The Supreme Court upheld Oregon's law on physician-assisted suicide yesterday, ruling that the Justice Department may not punish doctors who help terminally ill patients end their lives."
What Makes Americans Susceptible to Manipulation - "One question has been especially troubling me: Why will so many Americans buy images of national leaders that are so at odds with so much evidence?"
IRS MAKES CHILLING PROCLAMATION - "During this press conference, a senior IRS official by the name of Terry Lemons made the following proclamation in response to a question by David Cay Johnston of the NY Times: Why won't the IRS answer the questions set forth in the petitions from We the People Foundation? According to Johnston, Lemons said the government is answering our Petitions through "enforcement actions." The government will now answer legitimate petitions for redress of grievance under the First Amendment through the use of brute force because that’s exactly what the IRS’ "enforcement actions" amount to every day of the week. This statement by Mr. Lemons is chilling and should be the clarion call to every American out there who values freedom and believes that our rights, so articulately defined in the Bill of Rights, cannot be nullified or taken away by Mr. Lemons or any government official. The right to petition the government has a long and detailed history. Every American should know the history of this precious right because on September 16, 2003, the IRS laid down the gauntlet to the American people and simply decided to nullify part of the First Amendment. The IRS has made the clear threat that if any American dares question their unlawful activities, the IRS will respond with "enforcement.""
Report slams USDA biotech experiments - "In a report released quietly just before Christmas, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's investigative arm disclosed that the department failed to properly monitor thousands of acres of experimental biotechnology crops. ... In several cases, the agency didn't even know where so-called field trials were located. ... "It's a 'don't look, don't find' policy.""
New Orleans Mayor Says God Mad at U.S. - "Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting. "Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country," Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day. "Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves.""
TV in the bedroom halves your sex life - study - "A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have a TV set in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don't."

Quote of the Day
"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."
~ Smashing Pumpkins
1 comment:
ha .. nice quote
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