Alito appears headed for confirmation - "Alito said if confirmed he would seek to emulate retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's dedication and dignity, but declined to say if he would demonstrate the same centrist views."
The Wiretappers That Couldn't Shoot Straight - "If fictional terrorists concocted by Hollywood can figure out that the National Security Agency is listening to their every call, guess what? Real-life terrorists know this, too. So when a hyperventilating President Bush rants that the exposure of his warrant-free wiretapping in a newspaper is shameful and puts "our citizens at risk" by revealing our espionage playbook, you have to wonder what he is really trying to hide. Our enemies, as America has learned the hard way, are not morons. Even if Al Qaeda hasn't seen "Sleeper Cell" because it refuses to spring for pay cable, it has surely assumed from the get-go that the White House would ignore legal restraints on eavesdropping, just as it has on detainee jurisprudence and torture."
The Bush Who Cried Wolf - "Under normal circumstances—that is, under any previous U.S. administration—the battle over Iran’s pugnacious effort in pursuit of nuclear technology would be amenable to a diplomatic solution. But, by insisting on a national security strategy of pre-emptive war, by illegally and unilaterally invading Iraq on false pretenses, and by hinting that the White House would tolerate an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear plants, President Bush and Vice President Cheney have made a successful diplomatic resolution of the Iran crisis nearly impossible."
Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government - "President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances."
Pelosi Wants Probe of 'Corrupt Congress' - "House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said Republicans had created "one of the most closed, corrupt congresses in history" and urged the House ethics committee to investigate GOP lawmakers linked to lobbyist Jack Abramoff. "It's hard for the American people to understand how corrupt it is here," the California Democrat said at a news conference."
Jailed for 30 years for criticising 'free' Iraq - "Kamal Sayid Qadir wrote an article criticising the US backed government in Iraqi Kurdistan and now he has been jailed for 30 yearsIf a writer was jailed for 30 years for exposing government corruption in Iran or Syria, there would be outrage in the US and Britain and demands for military strikes. But when that happens in Iraq there is silence.George Bush and Tony Blair constantly boast that they have brought freedom and democracy to Iraq.Yet Kamal Sayid Qadir, a leading Kurdish academic, has been jailed for 30 years after he publicly criticised Massoud Barzani, head of the US backed Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP)."
"It is this kind of disrespect...." - "When the journey eventually ended I found myself in a small room, two metres square, with wooden walls, a refrigerator and an oval table in the middle. Soon two men came in, civilians, wearing vests. "Do you know why you are here, Mr Fadhil?" they asked me.I replied: "To be interrogated?"With a broad smile, one of them said: "No. There was a mistake in the address and we apologise for the damage."So that's it. They blew three doors apart with explosives, smashed the house windows, trashed all our furniture, damaged the car, risked our lives by shooting inside rooms aimlessly, hooded me and took me from my family who didn't know if they would ever see me again - and then, with a smile, they dismissed it as a small mistake. So was this intimidation or just a typical piece of bungled repression? I don't know and cannot tell, though I have yet to have my tapes returned. I do know, however, the effect it has had on my daughter. Sarah hates all soldiers and calls them Americans even if they are Iraqis. There is no way she will change her mind about them after that nightmare.There are many Iraqis - Iraqis who welcomed the fall of Saddam - who feel exactly the same today."" -- Disgusting.
The elements of tyranny - "There has been a lot of talk lately about the Bush regime's new theory of presidential power. The unitary executive, a conception advocated by torture aficionado John Yoo and Supreme Court nominee Alito, is not just a peculiar interpretation of the constitution, its adoption marks a transition in our form of government. Toward what exactly is not yet fully evident in all of its detail, but the X just over the horizon is simply not democracy in any meaningful sense of the word."
Pentagon grilled over database on war critics - "Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday asked for answers on an obscure Pentagon agency that included reports on student anti-war protests and other peaceful civilian demonstrations in a database meant to detect terrorist activities."
You're Being Watched: Efforts to Collect Data on Americans Go Far Beyond the NSA's Domestic Spying Program - "Congress will soon hold hearings on the National Security Agency's domestic spying program, secretly authorized by President Bush in 2002. But that program is just the tip of the iceberg. Since 9/11, the expansion of efforts to gather and analyze information on U.S. citizens is nothing short of staggering. The government collects vast troves of data, including consumer credit histories and medical and travel records. Databases track Americans' networks of friends, family and associates, not just to identify who is a terrorist but to try to predict who might become one."
New Body Screeners in use in London: We are living in a dystopian nightmare - "The implementation of such technology represents a giant leap into a total surveillance Big Brother society. People are faced with walking into booths raising their hands above their heads like they're a criminal and being electronically scanned by a machine that produces a naked image of their body. Yet as you have seen from the video above the general consensus is total acceptance. The only negative comment in the report comes from a commuter who is worried that the process may add a few minutes onto his journey. "It's one of those things we have to endure these days" comments one man. "Anything to make us feel safer" whimpers an elderly lady whilst giving the most naive bootlicking smile you can imagine. And this is precisely the point, the general public will accept any level of intrusiveness so long as it gives the IMPRESSION that they are safer, in reality it doesn't make anyone safer it just eliminates your liberty." -- Leaders love sheeple.
New Ohio Law Allows Cops to Request ID - "But dissent is building over authority given to police officers, who can now ask, "What's your name?" as a tool to fight terrorism. Failure to identify oneself could land an individual in jail. Critics call the measure the Ohio Patriot Act. The law also requires those applying for state driver's licenses to sign a form that they haven't supported terrorist organizations.",2933,181382,00.html
AMERICAblog just bought General Wesley Clark's cell phone records for $89.95 - "I reported the other day that your cell phone records are on sale online for anyone to buy, without your permission. Well, this morning AMERICAblog bought former presidential candidate, and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (SACEUR), General Wesley Clark's cell phone records for one hundred calls made over three days in November 2005, no questions asked."
'Zero experience' - "President Bush continues to do a heckuva job installing unqualified cronies in key government posts. Even though the Michael Brown debacle at the Federal Emergency Management Agency is still good for a few laughs on the Leno and Letterman shows, Bush may inject new life into late night TV monologues with his recent appointment of Ellen Sauerbrey to head the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. ... The New York Times was a bit more blunt: "Ms. Sauerbrey has zero experience in emergency management and refugee resettlement." Zero experience. That's an astounding benchmark, impossible to beat. There is no less-than-zero level of experience. What kinds of disasters and refugee situations does the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration address? Rwanda. Darfur, Sudan. Kosovo. Iraq. Gaza Strip. Southeast Asia tsunami. Pakistan earthquake. It's the last place anyone wants to see a director with zero experience."
We have met the enemy -- and it is US! - ""Bush lied, people died!" "Cheney gets richer off the war!" "Rumsfeld sacrifices your sons and daughters to the God of Greed!" "Bush bypasses court to spy on you!" "Bush says Constitution is " just a piece of paper!" These are actual headlines, not from the mainstream media but from 'blogs' across the internet. Unfortunately, most Americans still get their 'news' from mainstream media sources and its only the headlines and sound bites that attract their attention -- you know, the important news: "Brad to adopt Angelina's children.""
Pentagon to Families: Go Ahead, Laugh - "When the stress of the war in Iraq becomes too severe, the Pentagon has a suggestion for military families: Learn how to laugh. With help from the Pentagon's chief laughter instructor, families of National Guard members are learning to walk like a penguin, laugh like a lion and blurt "ha, ha, hee, hee and ho, ho." No joke."
Top Senate Democrat Supports Outsourcing - "U.S. Senator Max Baucus, the top Democrat on the powerful Senate Finance Committee, said Friday he supports outsourcing white-collar jobs to low-wage countries such as India - a position at odds with his party's traditional stance on the issue."
A Challenge to Evolution of Universe - "In the quest to decipher the evolution of the cosmos, no topic generates greater interest among scientists than "dark energy," the mysterious force that appears to be causing the universe to expand at an ever-accelerating rate. Yesterday, Louisiana State University astronomer Bradley E. Schaefer tossed a grenade into this debate, presenting new research to suggest that the force dark energy exerts may have varied over time. That casts new doubt on the validity of Albert Einstein's "cosmological constant" only a few years after astronomers rescued the concept from scientific oblivion."
Half of Americans use prescription drugs: survey - "About half of all U.S. women and 40 percent of U.S. men are currently using or have recently used a prescription drug, according to government statistics published on Thursday."
Man Jailed After Handshake Sickens 3 - "A man has been jailed on assault charges after a prosecutor, police officer and courtroom bailiff became seriously ill after shaking hands with him. During a Dec. 21 court appearance on a traffic charge, John Ridgeway pulled out a vial of an unknown liquid, rubbed his hands with the contents and insisted on shaking hands with the three people, authorities said. All of them got sick within an hour, suffering from nausea, headaches, numbness and tingling that lasted about a day. Two sought treatment at a hospital."
Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo - "British scientists are seeking permission to create hybrid embryos in the lab by fusing human cells with rabbit eggs. If granted consent, the team will use the embryos to produce stem cells that carry genetic defects, in the hope that studying them will help understand the complex mechanisms behind incurable human diseases.",3605,1685534,00.html
Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs - "Scientists in Taiwan say they have bred three pigs that glow in the dark. They claim that while other researchers have bred partly fluorescent pigs, theirs are the only pigs in the world which are green through and through."
'Doomsday vault' to house world's seeds - "Norway is to build a "doomsday vault" in a mountain close to the North Pole that will house a vast seed bank to ensure food supplies in the event of catastrophic climate change, nuclear war or rising sea levels, New Scientist says."
Researcher: Early Man Was Hunted by Birds - "Berger concluded man's ancestors had to survive not just being hunted from the ground, but from the air. Such discoveries are "key to understanding why we humans today view the world they way we do," he said."
Apple's iTunes raises privacy concerns - "A new version of Apple Computer's popular iTunes software, released Tuesday, is drawing barbs from privacy advocates for sending information about computer users' playlists back to Apple."

Quote of the Day
"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
~ George Orwell, 1984
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