Investigator: U.S. 'Outsourced' Torture - "The head of a European investigation into alleged CIA secret prisons in Europe said Tuesday that evidence pointed to the existence of a system of "outsourcing" of torture by the United States, and that it was highly likely European governments were aware of it.";_ylt=A9FJqZHVTdZDYeoAbgis0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ
Impeachment hearings: The White House prepares for the worst - "The Bush administration is bracing for impeachment hearings in Congress."
Military Action Against Iran? - "If the intelligence on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is any indication, U.S. intelligence on Iranian nuclear facilities probably isn’t that good, and air strikes would thus likely be ineffective. Why then would the Bush administration go down this route? Because much of government policy—U.S. or other—is to show the domestic audience that something is being done about a problem, especially when the threat from an external “enemy” has been embellished. With a long confrontation with Iran and eventual air strikes, the Bush administration could distract attention from the deteriorating situations in Iraq and Afghanistan for many months without risking yet another quagmire in Iran."
Easy sailing expected for Alito - "All 10 Republican senators already had announced their support for the conservative judge, leaving the eight Democrats with no way to stop the committee from giving him a positive recommendation."
THE WAR ON DISSENT GETS CREEPY - "“But why break the law,” people ask? "What about this war troubles you enough to break the law?" In one word: images. Images that never leave me. Images of young soldiers and marines lying in row upon row of hospital beds. Images of picking shrapnel out of Mike Ramsack’s backside…dressing Bob Butikofer’s wounds every day and trying not to make him scream…changing colostomy bags on guys hoping they won’t defecate out the hole in their guts caused by a gunshot wound to the abdomen…trying to give a brain scan to a young soldier missing his entire left temporal lobe…Images of eating in the chow hall as dozens of patients in wheelchairs, on crutches, missing arms and legs and eyes line up for dinner…Images of a young man sitting silent and broken in a corner of the psych ward."
Who is messing with your head? - "WHAT if there was a drug that helped you do your job better, and your boss was pressuring you to take it, even though it could be bad for your health? There are already drugs that can boost memory or alertness, but whose long-term effects are unknown. Or what if scientists could tell what you were thinking or planning to do before you knew it yourself? Brain scans can now do this. Should these drugs and procedures be regulated - or permitted at all?"
Iris Scanning For New Jersey Grade School - "When a parent arrives to pick up their child at one of three grade schools in the Freehold Borough School District, they'll need to look into a camera that will take a digital image of their iris. That photo will establish positive identification to gain entrance into the school."
Homeland Security To Confiscate Bank Safe Deposit Box Contents - "During these last two days, the workshop included members from the Homeland Security Office who instructed them on how to field calls from customers and what they are to tell them in the event of a national disaster. She said they were told how only agents from Homeland Security (during such an event) would be in charge of opening safe deposit boxes and determining what items would be given to bank customers. At this point they were told that no weapons, cash, gold, or silver will be allowed to leave the bank - only various paperwork will be given to its owners. After discussing the matter with them at length, she and the other employees were then told not to discuss the subject with anyone."
Iceland the First Country to Try Abandoning Gasoline - "Hot Water Heats Homes, Businesses; Hydrogen Fuel Oil Powers Cars, Buses."
Kama Sutra worm seduces PC users - " A new e-mail worm that spreads under the guise of pornographic content has jumped to the top of the worldwide virus charts."

Quote of the Day
"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time."
~ George Bernard Shaw
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