Former Cabinet members aid Bush - ""Not everybody around this table [agrees] with my decision to go into Iraq," Mr. Bush said in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. "But these are good solid Americans who understand that we've got to succeed now that we're there.""
The death of freedom - "A silence has reigned. Across the world, the extinction and suffering of countless human beings can be attributed to rampant American power, "But you wouldn't know it," said Pinter. "It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest.""
Justice Dept asks court to abandon US system of justice - "The Bush administration notified federal trial judges in Washington that it would soon ask them to dismiss all lawsuits brought by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, challenging their detentions, Justice Department officials said Tuesday. The action means that the administration is moving swiftly to take advantage of an amendment to the military bill that President Bush signed into law last Friday. The amendment strips federal courts from hearing habeas corpus petitions from Guantanamo detainees."
Public Inexcusably Tolerant of Bush’s Law-Breaking - "This arrogant administration is so assured of its own righteous providence that any kind of process associated with its self-appointed directives is regarded as a nuisance and optional at its own discretion. The NSA’s rogue wiretapping is a symptom of an administration drunk on its own power, and to imagine this program hasn’t already been abused is the height of naiveté. ... In defending the indefensible, they trot out the childish retort, "If you’re not doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to worry about." There are numerous fallacies of logic here. One can keep the character of the debate in kindergarten-speak by turning the phrase on its ear and saying to the administration, "If you’re not doing anything wrong with your wiretaps, then you have nothing to worry about in seeking a warrant." Add to that the subjective definition of the word "wrong," and the trite truism reveals its uselessness. Is it wrong for individuals to explore the possibility of their state’s secession? Is it wrong to take extreme measures to protect animal rights? Is it inherently wrong to protest the Bush War? ... The Boston Globe approximates the volume of e-mails that are passing through the net of possible perusal at more than 2 million per hour. That’s not national security. That’s paranoia. When you think of paranoid presidencies, you think of Nixon, and the comparisons of the Bush administration to the Nixon administration are stunning. Firstly, a lot of the same old players, notably Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, are setting the tone for the way the Bush White House does business."
Oil jumps to $64 on Middle East concerns - "Oil jumped to $64 a barrel on Friday as geopolitical factors in the Middle East and other key oil-producing regions sparked concerns over global supplies."
Microsoft Shuts Down Chinese Blog - "Microsoft Corp. has shut down the Internet journal of a Chinese blogger that discussed politically sensitive issues including a recent strike at a Beijing newspaper."
Doom from the sky - "The asteroid in question was identified in 2004 and studied in 2005 for its trajectory. At first they were scared enough to believe that it could hit the earth in 2029. Then they did some more fine-tuning of their computer data and decided that it would come close to the earth in 2029, but wouldn't be on a possible collision course until 2036."
Did Jesus exist? Italian court set to decide - "Forget the US debate over intelligent design versus evolution. An Italian court is tackling Jesus — and whether the Roman Catholic Church may be breaking the law by teaching that he existed 2,000 years ago."
Ancient Village Discovery Raises Questions - "Discovery of an ancient village just outside Jerusalem has brought into question one of the strongest images of biblical times the wholesale flight of Jews running for their lives after the Roman destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D."
Gov. Warner Orders DNA Test for Executed Man - "If Coleman is innocent, it will be the first documented case of the execution of an innocent person in the United States. The first, but probably not the only one."
Your phone records are for sale - "Dozens of online services are selling lists of cell phone calls, raising security concerns among law enforcement and privacy experts. Criminals can use such records to expose a government informant who regularly calls a law enforcement official. Suspicious spouses can see if their husband or wife is calling a certain someone a bit too often. And employers can check whether a worker is regularly calling a psychologist -- or a competing company."
Study: Cell phones tied to family tension - "The study, which followed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone or pager throughout the study period were more likely to report negative "spillover" between work and home life -- and, in turn, less satisfaction with their family life."
Sado-Masochism Might be ‘Sexual Orientation’ says BC Human Rights Tribunal - "The BC Human Rights Tribunal is being asked to discover a new “sexual orientation.” The Vancouver Sun reported December 30, that a self-described “pagan” is accusing the Vancouver police of discrimination for refusing him a license to drive a limousine because of his involvement in the “bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM) underworld."

Quote of the Day
"All great empires misread history and eventually dig their own graves...Perhaps the U.S. leaders ought to re-read the golden advice of the Founding Fathers concerning the nation's conduct of foreign relations one more time."
~ Rhee Tong-chin, Ph.D
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