Iran scorns EU trio's draft nuclear resolution - "Any move to use full-scale sanctions against Iran, let alone military action, could send world oil prices rocketing and reopen some of the international rifts opened by the Iraq war."
Sen. Clinton calls for sanctions against Iran - ""We cannot and should not — must not — permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons," Clinton said in a speech before a capacity crowd in Richardson Auditorium."
Bin Laden Warns of Attacks, Offers Truce - "Al-Jazeera on Thursday broadcast portions of an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden, saying al-Qaida is making preparations for attacks in the United States but offering a possible truce to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan."
France defends right to nuclear reply to terrorism - "France said on Thursday it would be ready to use nuclear weapons against any state that carried out a terrorist attack against it, reaffirming the need for its nuclear deterrent." -- And shouldn't Iran also have a "nuclear deterrent"? What makes it permissible for one country but not another?
Dismissal of terror detainee cases sought - "The U.S. Justice Department will seek to dismiss more than 180 cases involving inmates at Guantanamo Bay who have challenged their detention in court, court documents showed on Tuesday." -- Ah, the American way.
The Franklin Coverup Scandal - "This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it."
Creeping tyranny - "I am not sure if there is any way to get the general public to realize or perhaps even care about the radical nature of regime change that is going on today in America."
Republicans vow to curb lobbyists - "Both House and Senate Republicans yesterday committed to ending privately paid travel, to clamping down on lobbyists' gifts and to restricting former members' privileges in the wake of corruption convictions and ethics accusations aimed at Republicans and Democrats."
Rightwing group offers students $100 to spy on professors - "It is the sort of invitation any poverty-stricken student would find hard to resist. "Do you have a professor who just can't stop talking about President Bush, about the war in Iraq, about the Republican party, or any other ideological issue that has nothing to do with the class subject matter? If you help ... expose the professor, we'll pay you for your work." For full notes, a tape recording and a copy of all teaching materials, students at the University of California Los Angeles are being offered $100 (£57) - the tape recorder is provided free of charge - by an alumni group." -- You WILL tow the party line!,,1689653,00.html
The New Market Bubble Theory - "So here's the good news: The next five years will bring us the biggest stock-market boom in history. The bad news? The party will end in late 2010, after which we'll face the worst economic decline since the Great Depression.",70034-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_3
Feds after Google data - "The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases. The move is part of a government effort to revive an Internet child protection law struck down two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court. The law was meant to punish online pornography sites that make their content accessible to minors. The government contends it needs the Google data to determine how often pornography shows up in online searches."
Study: Men Enjoy Seeing Bad People Suffer - "Bill Clinton said he felt others' pain. But a new brain-scanning study suggests that when guys see a cheater get a mild electric shock, they don't feel his pain much at all. In fact, they rather enjoy it. In contrast, women's brains showed they do empathize with the cheater's pain and don't get a kick out it. It's not clear whether this difference in schadenfreude - enjoyment of another's misfortune - results from basic biology or sex roles learned during life, researchers say. But it could help explain why men have historically taken charge of punishing criminals and others who violate societal rules, said researcher Dr. Klaas Stephan."
Human Ears Evolved from Ancient Fish Gills - "Your ability to hear relies on a structure that got its start as a gill opening in fish, a new study reveals." -- Don't let the creationists hear this.;_ylt=A9FJqYv8wM9D.ycB9gGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ
Symantec Hides Rootkits In Software - " What's worse than finding spyware and viruses on your computer? Finding out that the software you use to keep your computer safe may be just as dangerous."
Stardust samples exceed expectations - "A preliminary estimation is that there might be more than a million microscopic specks of dust embedded in Stardust’s aerogel-laden collector. Furthermore, it appears — from the size of the carrot-shaped impact tracks in the aerogel — that there are about 10 particles of 100 microns in size. (A typical human hair is about 100 microns thick.)"
What kind of fish is this? - "A strange looking sea creature washed up on the shores of Cayman Brac this weekend." -- Check out the pics.
Face Transplant Patient Smokes Again - "The world's first face transplant recipient is using her new lips to take up smoking again, which doctors fear could interfere with her healing and raise the risk of tissue rejection.";_ylt=A9FJqaXo.85DuUoAbges0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3czJjNGZoBHNlYwM3NTE

Quote of the Day
"I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America."
~ Alexis de Tocqueville
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