Abramoff: The House That Jack Built - "A comprehensive look at the potential scope of the biggest scandal in Congress in over a century."
Myths, Lies and Straight Talk - "Can going out in the cold give you a cold? Are we losing our national forests? Can money buy happiness? You may be among the many who would answer yes to these questions. You'd be wrong. There are a lot of popularly held beliefs out there that simply aren't true. Yet the media tend to report on many of them as though they were hard facts." -- A list of 10, including we have less free time, Republicans shrink the government, the world is getting too crowded, and life is getting worse.
This Won't Be the American Century - "Americans furiously resist any suggestion they are imperialists. They did not shake off British rule, they say, to build an empire of their own. Americans see their country as an international good cop that keeps the world safe for the advance of liberal democracy and global capitalism. But that role has many ingredients of empire: armed forces around the world, a currency accepted on every continent, and the ability to bend many other countries to its will. ... There you have it: a country living beyond its means, heavily reliant on an overstretched military, which flinches from imposing tax sacrifices to get its accounts in order. History has not been kind to great nations that get themselves into this position."
Spooky AOL Ad Says Big Brother Is Watching the Internet - "Scenes of nuclear holocaust , Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan and Osama bin Laden flash up as we are told that the Internet is a "dangerous weapon." Why is a transnational corporation that profits from encouraging people to use the Internet running an ad campaign that discourages Internet use? The ad revels in the specter of big brother watching us all and warns us that everything we do on the Internet is under surveillance."
GOV'T. WINS COURT AUTHORIZATION TO SPY ON CELL PHONE USE - "Summary: Despite three court rulings that cell phone tracking by government agencies without a court order is illegal, a fourth court ruling has now authorized blanket spying. The government can now use cell phone data to track physical location, without a search warrant or probable cause."
Prove Christ exists, judge orders priest - "AN ITALIAN judge has ordered a priest to appear in court this month to prove that Jesus Christ existed.",,13509-1967413,00.html
Windows PCs face 'huge' virus threat - ""The potential [security threat] is huge," said Mikko Hyppönen, chief research officer at F-Secure, an antivirus company. "It's probably bigger than for any other vulnerability we've seen. Any version of Windows is vulnerable right now.""
Pill may kill women's libido - " Libido levels have been found to drop when women take the Pill and even after they stop taking it, a US study has found.",5478,17716876%5E662,00.html
FINED FOR ASKING COP DIRECTIONS - "A LONE woman driver who got lost on a motorway was fined £30 for stopping on the hard shoulder to ask a traffic cop directions."

Quote of the Day
"We’re left in the terrible position of trying to decide which elite group will be less likely to prey on us."
~ Anonymous
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