British lawyers linked to $1m payment for favours at US Congress - " A British law firm is at the centre of the investigation into America's biggest influence-buying scandal in decades."
Bush trying to round up all photos of President with Abramoff - "Aides to President George W. Bush are trying to identify all the photos that may exist of the President and lobbyist Jack Abramoff together, TIME’s White House Correspondents Mike Allen and Matt Cooper report in Monday editions."
Economists say cost of war could top $2 trillion - "The cost of the Iraq war could top $2 trillion after factoring in long-term healthcare for wounded US veterans, rebuilding a worn-down military, and accounting for other unforeseen bills and economic losses, according to a new analysis to be presented today in Boston. The estimate by Columbia University economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard lecturer Linda Bilmes far exceeds projections made by the Bush administration."
GROUPS ACCUSE ARMY OF MISLEADING PUBLIC - "SEVERAL environmental and native Hawaiian groups are accusing the Army of misleading the public after the groups discovered that a heavy metal known as depleted uranium was recovered at Schofield Barracks' range complex."
911 Coverup Facts - "Summary of 911 Coverup Facts Compiled by Paul Thompson"
Reps Murtha & Moran Don't Know About Missing TRILLIONS - "During their town hall meeting on C-span [at 1:06:20], a young woman asked about the Pentagon missing TRILLIONS, which was announced by Rumsfeld at a press conference on Sept 10, 2001. Both Moran and Murtha don’t even know about it… they say she must be talking about Billions- they brush off the intelligent young lady as if she doesn’t have a clue- when it fact it is they- the elected Representatives that are uninformed. IMO, to not know about this huge story of the missing Trillions, illustrates that these two CongressCritters are incompetent."
Feeble Minded Fools and Dim-Witted Debunkers - "A great deal of this mentality stems from laziness. It's much easier to swallow the government's version of events, buy a six pack and fall asleep in front of American Idol. Taking time to actually question something, use your own discernment and come to a conclusion takes time and energy, which is better spent in their estimation watching 24 or Threat Matrix. ... Judging from recent history alone, we should automatically disbelieve anything government tells us and let them do the work to prove otherwise."
Author of "Bush's Brain" Put On No-Fly list - "I have been on the No Fly Watch List for a year. I will never be told the official reason. No one ever is. You cannot sue to get the information. Nothing I have done has moved me any closer to getting off the list. There were 35,000 Americans in that database last year. According to a European government that screens hundreds of thousands of American travelers every year, the list they have been given to work from has since grown to 80,000."
HackerWatch -- Hmmmm.®ion=world&period=1
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Utah Theater Cancels 'Brokeback Mountain' - " "It's just a shame that such a beautiful and award-winning film with so much buzz about it is not being made available to a broad Utah audience because of personal bias," he said."

Quote of the Day
"Ye shall know the Truth, And the Truth shall make you angry!"
~ Aldous Huxley
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